Merry Christmas to friends around the world
Sretan bozic prijateljima diljem svijeta Merry Christmas to friends around the world Frohe Weihnachten den Freunden auf der ganzen Welt
Sretan bozic prijateljima diljem svijeta Merry Christmas to friends around the world Frohe Weihnachten den Freunden auf der ganzen Welt
fotos by Sanel Fajic
fotos: Sabel Fajic
Kako se izboriti s naglim promjenama vremena Zauvijek pobijedite meteoropatiju Na svu srecu, zdravstveni problemi takvog tipa nestaju cim se vrijeme stabilizira...
Bolje 5 do 12 nego ni jednu poslije 1! It’s better 5 before 12, than nothing at all after 1! Es ist besser, 5 vor 12, als gar nichts nach 1!