Samstag, 25. Juni · 14:00 – 17:00
London Waterloo Station
British Film Institute
London, United Kingdom
25.6.11. u 14h u Britanskom Filmskom Institutu u Londonu bit ce prikazan film o Bogdanu Bogdanovicu, pod pokroviteljstvom Refugee in Film a sponzoriran od strane Our Kids Foundation. Ulaz besplatan. Poslije ovoga filma bit ce prikazan kratki film o djeci iz Djecijeg Doma Mostar u reziji Marine Dapic
25.06.2011 Under the auspices of Refugee in Films and sponsored by Our Kids Foundation, British Film Institute, London will be showing “Architecture of Remembrance – The Memorials of Bogdan Bogdanovic” a documentary on the life’s work of the former mayor of Belgrade, architect, scholar, urbanist, essayist and writer Bogdan Bogdanović. It combines his extraordinary biography with a specific focus on his work.
It will be followed by a screening of a short film about children from “Egipatsko Selo” – childrens’ orphanage in Mostar, Bosnia and Hercergovina, directed by Marina Dapic
Admission free.